About Forester Family Law PC

Neil Forester

Neil M. E. Forester, CFLS

A recovering litigator with 18+ years of family court appearances, NEIL applies expertise and insider perspective to mediations, arbitrations and private judging solutions.

A Virtual Law Firm

FORESTER FAMILY LAW offers out-of-court options for couples seeking a quiet, calm, and quick divorce in California. Working as mediator, arbitrator, private judge, consulting attorney, and litigation concierge, attorney NEIL FORESTER blends creative ADR methods with discrete advisory counseling to help clients resolve a divorce, parenting dispute, or other family law conflict — outside the courtroom confines. 

Formed in the shadow of the limitations brought on by COVID-19, this primarily virtual law firm prioritizes private and accessible solutions by emphasizing remote engagement with clients and the courts. Face to face meetings remain a valuable option in addition to the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of a more tech-based approach.

As a recovering litigator with 18+ years of family court appearances, NEIL applies expertise and insider perspective to mediations, arbitrations, and private judging solutions. He provides consulting and second opinions as well as prenups, adoptions, cohabitation agreements, domestic partnerships, and pet parenting plans. When motives are aligned, he encourages collaboration, collective hard work, and co-created outcomes by families who relish control of their next normals.

NEIL is a Certified Arbitrator and Fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers and a Certified Family Law Specialist through the State Bar of California’s Board of Legal Specialization  – elite designations that underscore his dedication to the practice of family law and level of professionalism in the field.

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Email me. Call Me. 916.234.6060